Certificate of Marriage
Officially a thing that happened esp. one of importance happened on three occasions. There had to be three to be one not really one but three of course.
The Petitioner requests that you present evidence of a bona fide marriage. Please. Por favor.
When I asked her to marry me she did not take me seriously. When I met her she seemed nervous. I was nervous too not about love about art about love. I thought I might never see her again. She knew she is clairvoyant. Six months later when I saw her again she did not approach me like she knew the slow dance slowly she knew again. I do not remember meeting him. Before I did not know and then I know in one cup of earl grey. I watched him with her broken bottles one tear and six shoulders warm and cold. He did not have to ask me to dance on knees on chairs on mornings. Huh and he huh a high-pitched song a soft cansoncita my eyes closed. Walking and waking in silent awe the first day the day after the first night into the next. We went to Mexico together. She talked about the similarities to Korea. I wore cowboy boots and took these photographs. Look how beautiful she is here. Look how beautiful he is here. Sir you cannot see happiness or despair and happiness exists only in moments different than those of the Photograph. Sir before you do not know and then you know. And there is the tone in his voice when he wants to say something kind.
Natalee Cayton and Seung-Yeon Huh were joined in marriage in accordance with the Laws of the State of New York, in the City of New York this fifteenth day of October, 2013.
허승연 Seung-Yeon Huh 과 알만자, 알레한드로 페레다 Alejandro Almanza Pereda 는 대한민국 혼인법에 의거하여 서기 2014년 1월 7일 자로 혼인 하였음을 증명 합니다. -서울특별시 City of Seoul
Los señores Alejandro Almanza Pereda y Natalee Cayton comparecen ante el Registro civil número 11 para contraer matrimonio en México Distrito Federal, a las veinte horas treinta y cinco minutos del día veinte y seis de noviembre de 2013.
When I asked him to marry me he has a certain chuckle. In a bar our favorite bar bar when I asked him to marry me to marry her he walks art home in a bar she the smartest of three heard that chuckle. Skeptical maybe angry she slights. She knows what people know about men. I told her breasts look best in the middle and it feels important. Shes that marry and hes that marry for hes to shes to shes to hes to hetero and back again wait an old kind of queer for unloves and unloved for fifty years for mores. One man not first not last not in the middle either. Too the only two. Not the gaze but really look and feel as only he can or cannot sometimes. Yes 네 Si. Each to each. Meaning for a life. The Kiss and the dance. Some wanted more parties and felt nothing. Some wanted more parties and felt something. Let the law be the law. Yes you may file for a family-based immigration visa for your same-sex foreign national spouse. Each to each decide what marriage to make. Same sex marriage is not recognized in South Korea. Some say politics say economy say law say immigration say love say god what someone thinks you must ask. Church weddings are very difficult to arrange in Mexico for a variety of reasons. I cannot say and god says god does not really say. My mother is my mother knows wide long embracing love. She not as mad as all thought she. If god the venerable she knows. The she that gave me does not know how one can love a man and a woman and what about love and life and eternity. But why that way and not another. That and that too. Feel. What about that and Seung and I and Ale what about Ale and Seung and I. She and he never stopped loving a love loving hes as hes and shes as shes loves add up. Loving more what if loves and unloves happened to love each love more loving each. There are cold feet. Some things look and feel different than expected. Look and feel may each not be the each that married today. Each to new each. In one marriage side by side by side by side. The Kiss and the dance. Some say friends make the best lovers. Care for a life. Unloves become loves. Some make breakfast and do all the dishes. Some hold some save some enjoy a fight. Only one word many loves some married already all choose his families her families what marriage to make. Some dance. Some raise children together. Before you do not know and then you know. The Kiss and the dance.